Study Center List

Program Name: Diploma in Computer Science and Application

SL. Study Center SC Code Regional Center
1 Institute of Science and Technology (IST) 812 Dhaka
2 Institute of Science and InformationTechnology (ISIT) 818 Dhaka
3 Internation Islamic University, Chittagong (IIUC) 890 Chittagong
4 Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology, Chittagong (CUET) 891 Chittagong
5 Daffodil Institute of InformationTechnology, Chattogram 892 Chittagong
6 Muslim Aid Institute of Technology (MAIT), Jessore 871 Jessore
7 Infra Polytechnic Institute, Kashipur, Barisal 501 Barisal
8 Bogura Polytechnic Institute, Bogura 861 Bogura
9 College of Business Science and Technology (CBST), Mymensingh 160 Mymensingh
10 Sythet Engineering College, Sylhet 591 Sylhet

Program Name: B.Sc in Computer Science and Engineering

SL. Study Center SC Code Regional Center
1 Dhaka Regional Center (DRC) 801 Dhaka
2 Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology (DUET) 020 Dhaka

Program Name: Master of Public Health

SL. Study Center SC Code Regional Center
1 Uttara Study Center, BOU (USC) 111 Dhaka
2 Institution of Child and Mother Health, Matuail (iCMH) 810 Dhaka
3 National Heart Foundation and Research Institution, Mirpur, Dhaka (NHF&RI) 811 Dhaka
4 Center for Medical Ultrasound, Green Road, Dhaka (CMUD) 812 Dhaka
5 International Institute of Health Sciences (IIHS) 813 Chittagong
6 Chattogram Medical College and Hospital, Chattogram (CMCH) 890 Chittagong
7 M. A. G Osmani Medical College, Sylhet (SMC) 590 Sylhet
8 Mymensing Medical College, Mymensing (MMC) 160 Mymensingh
9 Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi (RMC) New Rajshahi
10 TMSS Medical Institute of Research & Technology, Bogura (TMIRT) 860 Bogura
11 Rangpur Community Medical College, Rangpur (RCMC) 300 Rangpur

Program Name: B.Sc (Hons) in Food Science and Nutrition

SL. Study Center SC Code Regional Center
1 Uttara Study Center, BOU (USC) 111 Dhaka
2 International Institute of Health Sciences (IIHS) 813 Chittagong
3 Daffodil International University (DIU) 999 Dhaka

Program Name: Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Ultrasound

SL. Study Center SC Code Regional Center
1 Center for Medical Ultrasound, Green Road, Dhaka (CMUD) 812 Dhaka

Program Name: Master of Disability Management and Rehabilitation

SL. Study Center SC Code Regional Center
1 Uttara Study Center, BOU (USC) 111 Dhaka