Research Activities and Publications

The faculty members of the School of Science and Technology publish their research work every year in renowned national and international journals and conference proceedings. The research works are motivated by the academic interest and socio-economic development at the national level as well. The school publishes a research journal named “Journal of Scientific and Technological Research (JSTR)” bi-annually. List of research activities of SST are given below-

  1. Challenges in Providing Support Services to the Distant Learners of the School of Science and Technology at Bangladesh Open University.
  2. Quality Assurance and Quality control of distance education.
  3. Prospects and Challenges of Health Education through Blended Learning for the Professionals
  4. Implementing Online Courses in Bangladesh Open University (BOU): Challenges and Prospects
  5. Antimicrobial activity screening of selected medicinal plants of Bangladesh against antibiotic-resistant human pathogens
  6. Analysis of Examination Question Papers According to Blomm’s Taxonomy: A Case Study on Bangladesh Open University
  7. Bioassay guided discovery of new medicines and agrochemicals from natural sources such as plants, fungi, actinomycetes, sponges, seaweeds, etc.

For additional information, kindly explore the “Journal of Scientific and Technological Research (JSTR).”

Laboratory Facilities of SST

SST, BOU has set up different labs related with computer science (software, networking, digital hardware and electronics labs), physiotherapy (physical wellness lab) and biological science. Teachers, researchers and Learners of BOU can use state of the art instruments of these labs for tutorial class, training class, practical class, academic and research purpose.