In order to facilitate the learning process, the learners are provided with different educational resources such as modules, manual, lecture notes, ppt files, audio-video programs, text books and online study materials in addition to face-to-face and online classes as well as hands on training in lab.
The curriculum of each program offered by School of Science and Technology has been developed on the basis of the latest discovery in relevant fields which are equivalent to international standard and reflects Bangladesh perspective as well. We strongly believe that the content of the offered programs will be helpful for learners to be skilled with theoretical and practical knowledge and can apply gained knowledge and skills in the core curricular areas of the program. All the programs have separate Handbook containing detailed syllabus as well as academic and exam regulations which are very helpful for the learners conducting day to day academic activities. The learners are advised to study the particular topic of the syllabus of a particular course in advance that is going to be lectured in the next class for better understanding and solving problems.
The programs offered by SST are job orientated. We firmly believe that after successful completion of these programs your employment opportunity in home and abroad will increase many folds. We are committed to provide all-out support for your successful completion of the admitted program. Finally, it is my sincere gratitude to all academics and staff of SST, BOU for their cordial support for successfully running all the offered programs.
Best wishes for your success.