A message from Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. A B M Obaidul Islam

Bangladesh Open University (BOU) is a place of hope, a place that inspires imagination, a place that nurtures creativity, and a hub of innovative ideas. We are delighted to welcome you to Bangladesh Open University where your energy and excitement enrich our vibrant educational life. Whether you are beginning or continuing your educational journey with us, we look forward to learning, exploring, and growing together. We appreciate your decision to invest in your academic journey with BOU.

Professor Dr. A B M Obaidul Islam
Bangladesh Open University

Since its inception in 1992 Bangladesh Open University (BOU) is the only university in the country which provides Open and Distance learning (ODL). In the meantime BOU has become a mega university having 424,067 learners in the secondary, higher secondary and higher level in the year of 2012. During this time, BOU has contributed immensely in the development of the country. School of Science and Technology (SST) is one of the 6 schools of the university.

In the world of today, the modern information and communication technology is playing greater role in providing facilities for the delivery system and quality education. BOU is making new strides in employing most modern communication technology to the service of education. The rapid advancement in information technology has helped a great deal in eliminating the physical distances. With latest innovations in computer and communication technology, the world has become a global village where information is readily available and accessible to everyone.

I do cordially invite you to visit the newly developed website of School of Science and Technology by own experts and resources. A quick glance through this window will familiarize you with the approach adopted by the university to realize its human resources development mission. Look through the programs of the school and activities, you may find something interesting to develop your true potential. The website would be helpful for prospective learners of the B.Sc.(Hons.) in Computer Science and other academic programs of the school.

On behalf of everyone here at BOU, I thank you for visiting us here in cyberspace and welcome you to visit us in real life.

A message from Dean Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Mojid Mondol

Welcome to the Open and Distance learners of the programs of School of Science and Technology (SST), Bangladesh Open University. This school offers need-based educational programs in multi-disciplines with a view to develop skilled manpower and learners with life-long learning mindset. The offered programs are delivered through two modes: regular mode and distance mode. Those who are unable to attend classes in working days regularly may choose programs delivered by distance mode. Teaching-learning takes place through blended mode: face-to-face and online classes as well as hands on training in lab equipped with modern instruments according to class routine prepared based on mode of the programs.

Prof. Dr. Md. Abdul Mojid Mondol
Dean and Professor
School of Science and Technology
Bangladesh Open University

In order to facilitate the learning process, the learners are provided with different educational resources such as modules, manual, lecture notes, ppt files, audio-video programs, text books and online study materials in addition to face-to-face and online classes as well as hands on training in lab.

The curriculum of each program offered by School of Science and Technology has been developed on the basis of the latest discovery in relevant fields which are equivalent to international standard and reflects Bangladesh perspective as well. We strongly believe that the content of the offered programs will be helpful for learners to be skilled with theoretical and practical knowledge and can apply gained knowledge and skills in the core curricular areas of the program. All the programs have separate Handbook containing detailed syllabus as well as academic and exam regulations which are very helpful for the learners conducting day to day academic activities. The learners are advised to study the particular topic of the syllabus of a particular course in advance that is going to be lectured in the next class for better understanding and solving problems.

The programs offered by SST are job orientated. We firmly believe that after successful completion of these programs your employment opportunity in home and abroad will increase many folds. We are committed to provide all-out support for your successful completion of the admitted program. Finally, it is my sincere gratitude to all academics and staff of SST, BOU for their cordial support for successfully running all the offered programs.

Best wishes for your success.